AV Is About To Burst…

By Daniel O'Connell

Disruption comes in cycles, but it has not occurred in AV for a while.

From speaking with various manufacturers in the integration business, I’ve learned that many are in the advanced stages of phenomenal innovation — and I am not just referring to our clients here at Brand Definition.  Brands are investing in pure research, working with one another more collaboratively and coming up with new ideas that connect devices and disciplines.

Transformative change has occurred in consumer electronics, IT, security, transportation, music and more.  It’s only a matter of time before radical innovation comes to AV — bringing massive, positive change. IoT is obviously an area of considerable opportunity and innovation, but also consider Blockchain — currently a cryptocurrency technology with the potential to serve as a secure, authenticated exchange for data, content and connections — as one area this industry will explore and, ultimately, exploit.

Every serious brand remotely associated with AV, is spending lots of time and money on R&D right now, even as they’re stretched thin in other areas. And when the dam bursts — when the fruit of all that research is brought to bear on real-world technologies, systems and services— it’s going to be brilliant!