Bold Is Beautiful!

By Daniel O'Connell

In marketing we often seek to tap into topical narratives, megatrends and shifts in consumer preferences/behavior. That’s great. It’s important to be relevant to the audience you’re seeking to engage but it’s also important to stand for something different.

Boldness is central to differentiation but it goes deeper than branding. It should be cultural.

I have worked with many great brands and the very best have been bold in how they innovate, organize and communicate. Boldness in innovation is beautiful because it’s grounded in the confidence gleaned from subject matter expertise, technical superiority and deep — almost intuitive — market knowledge. 

Boldness in organization is beautiful because it’s grounded in understanding, appreciation and empathy with the people who make up your organization — we’ll change because it matters to you and I trust you to make this change work! 

Boldness in communication, particularly brand communication, is beautiful because it works: it’s impactful, engaging, memorable and moves people, mindsets — and product.

Reconciling (not compromising!) boldness with what’s going on in the world is the challenge business leaders should face every waking moment.