
By Daniel O'Connell

It may be naïve, but I believe there is an opportunity for every person on the planet to find a specific job and become the very best in the world in that function. I recognize that it’s wildly impossible, but if we could find the right role for everyone — a coupling of their passion and expertise —then they’d find the drive to outperform all others in that role and they’d not only be successful, they’d also be happy!

To be driven, it helps to be happy. It’s hard to be motivated, creative, resourceful or inventive if you don’t like your job, don’t connect with the people you work with or don’t get (at least occasionally) inspired by the subject matter you’re paid to spend your days thinking about.

Jobseekers sometimes fake passion and drive during interviews and that’s not really a good long-term strategy. Their energy would be better spent learning what it is that truly inspires and drives them.